Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is Satellite Direct a scam?

         Is Satellite Direct a scam or not?. This is a hot product right now that is only gaining in popularity. Its'          low price and great quality has risen it to the top of the satellite for pc softwares, but what would define it as being a scam. Let's go over their key selling points of their product and determine if what they are saying is true.  
1. YOU GET 3,500 HD CHANNELS             
          This is without a doubt true. Now I haven't watched every channel available yet to see if all channels are
    HD, because I'm not interested in every channel. However, every channel that I was interested proved to be of great quality. Let's face it, nobody's going to be watching that many stations anyway. You're most likely going to find about 1,000 that you would be interested in based on category and country. Bottom line, for one payment of $49.95 even 100 HD quality stations would be worth it.

2.One payment, $49.95
           This is what really worried me before I bought it because everyone's always saying one price, when there is all kinds of hidden fees that for some reason, they seem to forget to mention before you buy it. I can
honestly tell you there are no hidden fees or monthly / yearly subscriptions in any fine print anywhere. One payment of fifty bucks and that's it.
3. Can you really replace your cable or satellite with this?
           I think the key to making Satellite direct your only television service is the ability to connect your computer to your television.  This is easy to do, and you only need 2 cables.  I have a video on my other site that demonstrates how to do this at
 This will clarify just how simple it is to turn your pc into a mega-receiver. If you would like to give it a try, visit at . I don't think you'll be disappointed.